Baloise as an employer

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We want to be one of the top employers around – it’s even in our strategy! That’s why we’re constantly scrutinising our working environment: what do we need to feel comfortable at work and achieve the best results? How can we strike the right balance between work and leisure to recharge our batteries? And what extras can we offer our employees as the cherry on the cake?

Your advantages



Our culture and the way we interact with each other are what make us special. But it’s only natural that you’re also interested in our benefits. From shares for employees to Zumba classes in our sports club, we have a lot to offer ...

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What would a company be without the employees behind it? Not much, that’s what! That’s why, here at Baloise, we focus on personality. We want people who have their own opinions and share ideas on an equal footing.

We want to try things out, knowing full well that mistakes do happen, and prioritise a culture of constructive feedback. It’s about being curious and committed to finding innovative solutions for our customers. This allows us as a company to keep our finger on the pulse and shape the future of Baloise together.

Our culture

The Baloise Code

The Baloise Code

“We are open to new ideas and always strive for a corporate culture in which we continue to develop together. For me, the Baloise Code epitomises this sense of togetherness.”

Jean Yves, Compliance Officer at Baloise in Luxembourg

In shipping, the compass is an indispensable instrument for staying on course and reaching your destination safely. In the same way, the Baloise Code guides us in our day-to-day work in terms of how we should treat each other and conduct ourselves.

The Baloise Code was developed by employees themselves and is embedded within the organisation – so it’s a pure reflection of Baloise spirit!

We boldly break new ground.

It’s not always easy, no matter when, where or in what context. But in a world that’s changing at an ever-increasing rate, you can’t afford to rest on your laurels. That’s why we look for and encourage people who say: let’s be courageous and take responsibility!

“I came to realise how important it is to approach new people and new tasks with an open mind. That’s why I started asking questions straight away whenever I have a doubt – which goes down well, by the way!’

Rebekka, Environment Manager at Baloise in Germany

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We never stop learning.

Acquiring new skills is enjoyable, boosts motivation and gives us a sense of pride. It’s also essential for a company’s survival in a rapidly changing world.

“There’s so much you can learn – if you want to. Of course, it’s not easy to keep changing jobs, familiarising yourself with new tasks, getting to know different team dynamics and building up friendships in different countries, but it has given me the chance to keep growing as a person, and I’ve had so many amazing experiences I’d hate to have missed out on.”

Nadia, Underwriter at Baloise in Belgium


We strengthen networking and cooperation.

We are a major company with locations in four countries. As such, we are not only in a position to promote the exchange of knowledge, but can also identify our strengths and weaknesses better and work to make targeted improvements.

“If we want to work together better, it’s important that we understand each other, not just recognise a few faces here and there. This makes it easier for us to share ideas and learn from one another.”

Sarah, Team Leader at Baloise in Switzerland


Every voice matters.

Give feedback, get involved and question the status quo. In short, speak your mind!

This is an important behavioural value in terms of Baloise’s culture. Our different perspectives give us a broader base, from interns to experts and the CEO.

“At Baloise, you’re involved in important decisions literally from day one. It’s quite a shock at first, and I even struggled with it, but I soon got used to it. I’ve learned to speak up in front of other people and to actively contribute my opinion and ideas.”

Lionel, Temporary Student Employee at Baloise in Switzerland



Different personalities, diverse expertise: diversity is the driving force behind our special corporate culture. Over 8,000 employees in four countries bring our strategy to life and shape our future with their individuality.

Diversity and inclusion should be things we live and breathe here, but we also strive to measure and evaluate our progress in these areas using facts and figures. That’s why we take part in the University of St. Gallen’s Diversity Benchmarking programme, which measures different dimensions of diversity (e.g. gender, age, nationality and language) and lets companies compare their results with those of their peers.

“We want to show that even industries that are seen as more conservative can stand up for the LGBTQ community – not just during Pride, but throughout the year at the various companies.”

Fabrizio, Lawyer at Baloise in Switzerland and co-founder of the JUMP! network

JUMP!, our Group-wide network for members of the LGBTQ community, has momentum and energy in its very name. The idea is to promote more openness, respect and appreciation in everyday working life. The network makes a valuable contribution to our culture:

  • Internal information events at the general agencies
  • Regular interaction with various LGBTQ organisations, especially in Basel (Basel Pride Together)
  • Events, panel discussions and presentations, focusing on topics such as coming out, dealing with homophobia and transphobia in the workplace and best practice for managers
  • After-work drinks
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We are an insurance company and a bank, of course. But aside from our traditional financial business, we are also always looking for innovation and value-creating networking opportunities in our Mobility and Home areas.

We also do much more than simply pay lip service to the issue of sustainability – in fact, it’s firmly anchored in our strategy and business model.

Our business

What we offer

What we offer

From insurance and investments to pensions, we provide our customers with help and advice as a financial partner. To this end, we pool our strengths from various areas, look for synergies and identify new solutions – at our Head Office in Switzerland, but also in Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany.



You probably don’t need us to tell you this, but if you want move forwards, you first need to know where you want to go. That’s why we’ve set ourselves certain goals, or to be more precise, the three strategic ambitions of Simply Safe. It might sound complicated at first, but it’s actually quite simple: we believe that only capable, motivated employees can inspire our customers. If we succeed in this respect, it will be reflected in our operating profit and the dividends we generate for our shareholders. And in a world that’s changing at an ever-faster rate, you need clever ideas to make it happen. You need innovation.

There aren’t many companies that have made employee satisfaction a firm part of their strategy. We’re one of them, and we’re constantly working to increase our attractiveness as an employer – with internal and external training programmes, plenty of scope for decision-making and our unique culture of learning from our mistakes. It’s not easy to describe, and it’s even more difficult to measure. That’s why we conduct regular employee surveys to help us decide where we have potential for improvement.

Sustainability: our promise

Sustainability: our promise

Are entrepreneurship and sustainability mutually exclusive? We believe: no! We work every day to become more sustainable. This is the only way we can fulfil our responsibility towards current and future generations. And thanks to our value creation model, we remain true to our corporate values.

For us, sustainable development means far more than simply safeguarding our own business. We want to offer our employees secure, attractive jobs and not just accept social change, but actively contribute to it. As part of our Strategic Skilling programme, we hold regular discussions with our employees on the skills they need to develop for their jobs and their own employability, then take steps to promote these in a targeted manner. After all, we want to be part of a future worth living for everyone.

We strive to live and breathe sustainability throughout our entire company. However, keeping track of our progress in every area is no mean feat. That’s why we developed the Baloise value creation model. It illustrates the cycle of how we create sustainable value from various resources.


The cycle starts with resources such as employees, investors and the environment. True to our Simply Safe strategy, these are used in our Insurance, Banking, Asset Management and Ecosystems operating segments to achieve impact, turning our investors’ investments into innovations that benefit our customers. Our Corporate Governance, Data Governance & Security, Risk Management and Compliance divisions form the foundation for this process.

We want to be sustainable – but that’s easier said than done. That’s why we’ve made six clear commitments to show how we’re thinking about tomorrow’s issues today.

Employees: greater well-being

We offer our employees an inspiring, collaborative working environment. A working environment that they find motivating, encourages productivity and enables continuous personal development.

Customers: increased customer satisfaction

We make our customers’ lives safer and simpler. In this way, we increase customer satisfaction and support our customers in their personal and professional development. Thanks to our unique range of banking, insurance and asset management products, we can offer 360-degree advice.

Society: valued member of society

As a member of society, we are committed to assuming social responsibility. That’s why we offer protection, security and monetary support (in the form of taxes, sponsorship, donations and social commitment). We are also aiming to increase the number of employees who do voluntary work.

Environment: climate protection

It’s important to us that we continue to reduce our carbon emissions. For example, we’ve been sourcing 100 per cent of our electricity from renewable sources since 2021. In addition, we will expand and intensify our responsible approach to investment.

Partners: responsible, successful collaboration

We want to strengthen our collaboration with partners who share our values and with whom we can convert synergies into mutual, measurable success. These include brokers, agents, suppliers and outsourcing and innovation partners.

Investors: attractive, reliable, responsible investment

We want to further increase the generation of cash from our operating activities and pursue a transparent, balanced, value-creating strategy for the application of funds. This makes Baloise an attractive, reliable, responsible investment for our investors. In fact, Baloise has not reduced its dividends since 2003.

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The question everyone should ask themselves is: where do I see myself in the long term? As an employer, we want to help you on your journey, because we are convinced that motivated, committed, capable employees lead to sustainable success. The goals you set yourself and the path you take are entirely up to you. You can find inspiration at every turn, whether it’s in your Development Dialogue, feedback from colleagues or events from your life: “Be yourself and grow beyond.”

Your development

Learning from each other

Learning from each other

Sharing knowledge is not a one-way street, and knowledge does not become less when it is shared. If you pass on your knowledge, the other person’s knowledge will grow – and yours will usually grow with it. We complement each other and encourage each other to think. That’s why we believe in the value of collaboration.

Our Open X Day is a kind of internal conference for sharing knowledge. There are several time slots and different virtual rooms available. The range of topics is also incredibly diverse: participants might learn about podcasts, online learning platforms (LinkedIn Learning) and collaboration tools (Miro), artificial intelligence or the Internet of Things – and maybe try a cyber croissant. A lot of it also revolves around new forms of organisation and management and encourages us to think and take action.

Learning together

Learning together

Up to 10 per cent of working time is available to all Baloise employees in Switzerland for independent learning and personal development.

How can you use the time? Doing online learning on your own initiative, in a specialist discussion with a colleague or on one of the company’s own training programmes. The choice is yours!

Baloise Campus leadership programmes are an intensive, guided learning journey.

It’s about developing the leadership skills relevant to you and, closely linked to this, personal development.

We understand leadership as an action rather than a role, which is why the programmes are also open to informal leaders (those without a hierarchical leadership position). You and your colleagues from all countries and corporate divisions can expect coaching sessions, group work and an exchange of experiences with our top management. By the way, you can also sign yourself up for the programmes!

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